
Puppet Master

Puppet Master needs to be installed on a standalone server that has connectivity to all the Dell EMC Networking devices to be managed under Puppet. The dellemcnetworking-dellos10 Puppet module is tested against Puppet Enterprise Edition version 5.3. The dellos10 module needs to be installed on the Puppet Master server.

$ puppet module install dellemcnetworking-dellos10

See Puppet Labs: Installing Modules for more information.

Puppet Agent

Each network device to be managed by Puppet requires a one-time installation of the Puppet agent. The script installs the Puppet client and it’s dependencies.

The user os10devops must be created with the role of sysadmin (use the username command in CONF mode in the OS10 CLI).

OS10(config)# username os10devops password <password_str> role sysadmin

Download the script. After downloading the script, change the permissions using chmod +x Execute the script to install Puppet and the devops Ruby utilities Debian package.


$ puppet active_partition/standby_partition local/remote <puppet_client_url> local/remote <os10_devops_ruby_utils_url>
$ puppet_ruby_utils active_partition/standby_partition local/remote <os10_devops_ruby_utils_url>


  • puppet: used to install both puppet and devops infra module - puppet_ruby_utils: used to install only devops Ruby utilities Debian package for Puppet; Puppet client should be already installed in the switch before installing devops Ruby utilities Debian package for the puppet_ruby_utils option
  • active_partition: denotes current partition
  • standby_partition: denotes standby partition; prerequisites for this option: - OS10 image should be upgraded in the standby partition - Puppet client should also be installed in the loaded or active partition
  • local: denotes the relative path in the switch
  • remote: denotes the relative path in the remote machine using protocols such as https, ftp, and so on
  • <puppet_client_url>: Puppet URL should be an HTTPS/FTP path if previous option is remote (for example, - <puppet_client_url>: download the puppet5-release-jessie.deb package in the local path of the switch if previous option is local (for example, /home/admin/)
  • <os10_devops_ruby_utils_url>: devops Ruby utilies URL link from GitHub if previous option is remote (for example, - <os10_devops_ruby_utils_url>: download the os10-devops-ruby-utils-1.0.0.deb package in the local path of the switch if previous option is local (for example, /home/admin/)

Sample usage

./ puppet standby_partition remote local /home/admin



./ puppet active_partition local /home/admin/ local /home/admin/


./ puppet_ruby_utils standby_partition local /home/admin


./ puppet_ruby_utils active_partition remote

> NOTE: After the image upgrade and reload, execute the Puppet client. If the Puppet client throws the “cannot load such file – xml/libxml” error, execute the /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/gem install libxml-ruby command in root/sudo mode.